As soon as the sun came up things warmed a bit. Today is 87 km, with another climb, not as much as yesterday, but higher, to about 4100 meters. The first climb was gentle, but 29 km long. On the way we saw some Vicunas in the National Park Reserve.Does anybody out there know the difference between a Vicuna and a Guanaco (similar looking animal I saw last year in Argentina)?
Just down the road (10 m lower elevation)I found a marker with some surveying data. It turns out our maximum altitude was about 4091 meters. I recorded it for posterity. I re-calibrated the altitude on my GPS.
As soon as we head down the valley we notice a large difference in the landscape. It is rockier, rougher and greener.
Some interesting stucco work seen on the ride down.
This is a view of the far side of the valley showing farms perched on the mountainside. There were a couple of small villages over there, although I couldn't see any obvious road access.
The views this afternoon were really quuite beautiful and interesting. My photos aren't doing justice to the scenery.
Laura staring down a couple of donkeys as we leave the valley
Tonight we are staying in the large village or small city of Puquio. We are in a hotel (next 3 nights are bush camps!). The main square.
Inside the church
laura loved the new Peruvian look and greg the difference is the ears man the ears. That was Bens guess