We have a plan! A number of us have made reservations in our Lima hotel tonight. Chrisitano (tour director) will arrange for taxis from the park to Lima. So, we plan to ride 124 km. jump in a taxi and head to Lima. Laura takes the lunch truck the first part, to make sure we get into the park early. Me, I do the whole works.
No photos along the way. I ride alone for about 60 km, then get picked up by a group of about 8. We scream the last 5 km into lunch. Laura is already long gone. After lunch (it's not 0930 yet) a group of 4 of us head out. Everybody takes turns leading the group for 5 km or so. After a couple of turns of leading the group breaks up near the park.
For those camping tonight, here are the details. Note the last line.
Remember, we aren't staying here. 11 of us are heading to Lima. The taxi arrives. It is a van with 11 seats a roof rack for luggage and one bike in a box for Fransoise, who is flying out tomorrow. No way will everyone and everything fit, so another van is arranged for. After an hour we head out for Lima. Our driver is very good, weaving in and out of the Saturday evening traffic. He also has a pretty good idea of where our hotel is, so we get there in good time. A quick shower and off to a very good Indian meal.
More about Lima tomorrow as we look about.
who in their right mind would as the neighbours to share their tent. Beaches look beautiful but the facilities leave a lot to be desired good times in lima I hope Pat