Not a great morning - drizzly and a bit chilly. We had to cycle out of the hotel, pedal inland for 10 km to the Pan America highway, turn right (south) and pedal another 83 km. No fancy turns or searching for out of the way spots.
No photos from the morning, except for this one. I think she is planting Asparagus. Bent over, back breaking work. Looks equivalent to tree planting in BC.
The sun comes out later on in the morning after the lunch truck at 65 km in to the day. At 70 km there is the opportunity for a short 4 km detour west to the village of Huacachina, which is referred to as an oasis. Turns our it is. As we make the turn and leave Ica the world turns into one big sand box. We arrive in Huacahina and, for sure it is an oasis. A little lake with 60 - 80 meter sand hills all around.
You can climb the dunes and sand board down (why? The guy we watched only made 2 turns)
Or, enjoy a boat ride (don't know if you are allowed to swim)

Or, go for a dune buggy ride
Or, like us, meet up with a couple of the other riders (Britten in front and Peter) and have a drink. The place is one big tourist trap, but a nice spot to have a drink in.
We finished our drink and the ride and settled into our digs - a restaurant / campground. We are tenting for the first night in about 6.
Sorry, no pix, except this one. It is a cock fighting ring - not all that rare in Peru. Thankfully, no fights while we were there. Yuck! A rather barbaric 'sport.'
all that water and you didn.t at least dip your toes in. Shame that you couldn't have stayed there for the night but great pictures