The feature today was a team "Photo Hunt." Teams were formed and we were given a set of photos to take during the morning. For example, there had to be a "I am best at ..." photo for each member, a photo of the team 'enjoying grapes.'
Bob is best at "Imitating John Cleese."
There had to be a photo of the team "Enjoying some grapes."
Enough - you get the picture. We'll see how we made out at the judging tomorrow.
A couple more photos of the winery we stopped at. The wine was mostly quite sweet - not many of the riders thought much of it.
The afternoon part of the ride was mostly uneventful, except for a crazy haul
through the town of Chincha Alta. Too much weaving in and out of traffic to take photos.
We went through the town of Pisco, but it was a disappointment (no free samples on
the streets), and ended up at the town of Paracas, another 10 km further south.
Paracas is a tourist town. The waterfront is all restaurants and craft stores with expensive condos flanking the downtown. Our hotel / camp is at the edge of town 15 miniutes walk away. Most of the riders are camping, but some, including us, decided to get a room.
The harbour. Very calm (and sunny!) today.
In the other direction are the waterfront restaurants.
Where the rich people play (I could just look in the gate)
Just before we left town, we met up with this fellow - a hairless Peruvian dog. Apparently there is such a breed.
Final note - my bike odometer went over 2000 km yesterday and is near 2200 km now.
Makes me tired just thinking about it!
it would seem that this day was just one long sampling tour. hope you had some shipped home for us peasents. keep on peddling just 1000ks to go Pat