Uneventful cycling except for the last 20 km or so which was on a gravel road beside the beach. This part was a real grunt - everybody complained about it. One photo along the way - we are on the ugly road. Low, 'fence' walls are built on each side. Some of the walls have names (presumably owners) on them. My guess is that this is a future subdivision - they build the walls around the properties as a selling feature. You can see the day is kind of gray in the morning.
We get into camp (Camping Naylamp), set up the tent, pay 1 Sol each ($0.75) for the bus and head to Chan Chan. As we walk into the site (2 km - it was a cheap bus) we see this outer wall under restoration.
We get a guide (you need one to properly understand the site & the Chimo people)
and get going. There's way too many photos for one log posting, so invite us over for dinner when we get back and we'll show you more. Here's a sampling:

Fish swimming & pelicans
Smaller room in the palace. There are 26 (if I remember correctly) temples in the complex.
Restored walls and alters. Four colours were used (white, red, yellow & black) but have long since washed away. Even when this culture was flourishing El Nino and its rains caused problems.
I could go on & on, but I'll leave it for later. Also, the information from our guide was overwhelming, so I need to check facts before I say much more.
Laura and I were joined on the tour by 3 other cyclists (Scottish Michael & Catriona and Canadian Chris). We piled into a cab and headed for a museum in the city of Trujillo to see some of the artifacts of the Chimo people. The cab dropped us off in Trujillo's Plaza de Armas. Spectacular square, with a very imposing central statue, polished concrete walkways and beautifully restored and painted buildings around.
Walking street on the way to the museum
A few shots of artifacts in the museum.
We topped off the day by having drinks & snacks in a 5 star hotel (at least we still weren't in our cycling gear). Linda, did Chris tell you about the photos of him in the hotel pool?
The rest of the day was a cab back to Huanchaco, Rider's Meeting, dinner and into the tent by 8 pm.
Anyway, guys, I'm a day behind; its Sept 1 and we did 128 km today, a good chunk of it in a headwind. I'll try to get caught up tomorrow.
PS - Yes, Ben we got all our goodies, including the frillies back.
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