Before we get into today's happenings, I have to talk about some more stuff from yesterday.
First - WATER HAZARDS! I mentioned about how the rivers will flow over the road when it rains. The Peruvian road builders just make a concrete dip in the road that floods when it rains. Here's the photo I missed from yesterday. This is one that's dry. Now the story from yesterday - There was a flooded waterbar just past the lunch truck. Laura went through it and, me, like an idiot followed her. This particular waterbar must flow constantly because the concrete was all over grown with very slippery algae (Ian, just like the WCT "black slime"). Like I said, I skid and down I go with wounded pride. It turns out a lot of the riders, including two of the staff suffered the same fate! Live & learn
The resort we stayed at (the 'Riosol') didn't have Wifi so I did the recent posts at an Internet shop. We went into town and back using the 3 wheeled mototaxis, which begged the question: "Why weren't we killed when we rode through earlier on our bikes?" An exciting ride.
Now for today - Chulucanas to some soccer / volleyball court near Pasabar. 102 km, 750 m A, 700 m D. If you are trying to locate us on a map we are about 100 km north of the coastal town of Chiclayo, Peru and 60 km inland.
Some poor overworked mule!
This is near the lunch truck and shows the fragility of the soil - just a few animals walking on it take any vegetation off.
Laura had to chase the goats off the road to clear a trail for me.
After we get to camp and get set up there is a Rider's Meeting, usually just before dinner. Josh (South Africa - the tall fellow on the right wearing the white hat) started a great tradition - buying beer and snacks on HIS birthday.
And the whole lot of us at the Rider's Meeting briefing for the next day's ride, with staff Britten (US) & Adrian (Aussie) doing the briefing.
We are camped on the concrete basketball court It hasn't rained here since 2008, so water is an issue. There are some irrigated fields near here, so there is a water supply.
I won't tell you about the difficulties with the toilets overnight.
hi great pictures. we can send them some water if you want. great rain here pat